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Cheesecake With Marmalade

Cheesecake With Marmalade

Cheesecake With Marmalade

This is probably the easiest marmalade cheesecake you’ll ever make, and it is very tasty too. There’s no need to put the oven on as the cheesecake is completely no-bake.

The texture is lighter than a baked cheesecake and although we do love the rich, almost claggy type of cheesecake, this is a refreshing change.


  • 180gr of Maria-type biscuits 
  • 500g of cream cheese 
  • 65g butter 
  • 250g of mascarpone cheese 
  • 380g of condensed milk 
  • 250g of Greek yogurt 
  • 5 eggs 
  • 40g of cornstarch 
  • A teaspoon of vanilla extract S
  • trawberry jam Strawberries Whipped cream 

Directions : 

To enjoy a delicious cheesecake with strawberry jam, the first thing we must do is preheat the oven to 180º C, with heat from above and below. We crush the cookies and mix them with the temperature at room temperature. 

Then, we put the mixture in the base of the mold, press lightly with our fingers and refrigerate it. Put the cream cheese and the mascarpone type, the condensed milk and the Greek yogurt in a bowl, and mix well with the help of some rods. 

Add the eggs one by one, so that we will not add the next one until the previous one is well mixed. Then we add the vanilla. Gradually add the cornstarch, continuing to beat. Then, we pour the mixture into the mold and take it to the oven. Bake for 15 minutes and then lower the temperature to 140º C and continue baking for another 70 minutes. 

Then, we slightly open the oven door and let the heat come out and finally we take the cake out of the oven and let it cool on a wire rack for an hour. Unmold and leave it for at least one more hour in the fridge. 

When we are going to serve it, we decorate it with whipped cream and the help of a pastry bag, as well as the surface with strawberry jam and some strawberries cut in half. yummy

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